

/ 全集 / 高清 / 7.5 主演:MaisaSilvaAmandaAzevedoKatieAnneMoy卡米拉·凯伊霍兹LuccaPiconKlaraCastanhoBrunoMontaleoneCaioCabralPedroViniciusJoãoGuilhermeAntonioCarraraGabrielStauffer玛丽安娜·希欧斯YanaSardenbergAmandadeAzevedoGabrielWiedemannPauloMucheroniLuciana 类型:剧情喜剧 导演:VivianneJundiDainaraToffoli 年代:2022 地区:其它 更新:2025-01-04 02:00:46
       《重返15岁2022》(别名:Back to 15)是Vivianne Jundi,Dainara Toffoli导演,由Maisa Silva、Amanda Azevedo、Katie Anne Moy、卡米拉·凯伊霍兹、Lucca Picon、Klara Castanho、Bruno Montaleone、Caio Cabral、Pedro Vinicius、João Guilherme、Antonio Carrara、Gabriel Stauffer、玛丽安娜·希欧斯、Yana Sardenberg、Amanda de Azevedo、Gabriel Wiedemann、Paulo Mucheroni、Luciana等主演的剧情、喜剧类型的其它电视剧,于2022年上映,与广大观众见面。
        电视剧《重返15岁2022》可通过米奇影院为您提供免费在线观看,重返15岁2022剧情主要讲诉Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister Luiza's wedding.如需更多精彩剧情可通过在线观看该电视剧了解详情。



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